As part of the effort of the management team to boost the revenue generation and collections in mining sector, the Executive Chairman Dr. Zaid Abubakar presided over the mining sector stakeholders engagement meeting, whereby three papers were presented by different resource persons from the mining cadastral.

The first paper was presented by the representative of the Director General Mines Cadastral Office, Abuja. Engr. Simon Obadiah Nkom, on the topic: Synergy between Mines Cadastral Office and State Government on Mining; Data acquisition as a tool for revenue generation.
The second paper was presented by the Chairman, Mineral Resources and Environmental Management Committee (MIREMCO) Kàduna Chapter. Alh. Lawal Umar Meyere on the topic: The role of stakeholders in achieving revenue compliance in the mining sector.
The third presentation was made by the Managing Director, Kaduna State Mining Development Company. Dr. Nura Sani Usaini on the topic: Registration of mineral titles and artisanal Miners within Kaduna State.
The engagement had in attendance, all the Executive Directors of KADIRS, representative of DG- KADGIS, representative of Honourable Commissioner of Environment and Natural Resources, representative of the Executive Chairman, Bauchi State Internal Revenue Service, representative of the Executive Chairman, Kano State Internal Revenue Service, Immediate past President Nigerian Society Of Engineers.Dr. E O.A Damisa, mining and construction companies operating within Kaduna State.
The Executive Chairman Dr. Zaid Abubakar, appreciated all the participants for their support and cooperation.
Zakari, Jamilu Muhammad,
Head: Corporate Communication,
10th November,2021.