As Campaign activities kick-off in earnest across Nigeria towards the 2023 General Elections,we have observed with keen interest the Highly Divisive dimension narratives have taken across the various political divides in Nigeria.
It is in this light that we in the PROGRESSIVES PASTORS PLATFORM with members cutting across all Churches and Denominations,consider it expedient to issue this statement.
In line with our vision to PROMOTE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH PROGRESSIVE PASTORAL ALLIANCES ,we want to state that we have watched with keen interest the Religious sentiments and agitations that greeted the emergence of the Candidates of the various Parties.
While we acknowledge the fact that everyone INCLUDING RELIGIOUS LEADERS,have a right to belong to and vote for any Political party or Candidate of their choice,no Religious leader or group of religious leaders under any guise or umbrella has the Legal or Spiritual right to compel,cajole,coerce or manipulate their members or followers to hate or disdain any Political Party or Candidate. This is clearly contrary to the message of Love and Peace that is the core of the religions we profess.
As religious leaders,we must acknowledge the fact that we have a mixed population of citizens that belong to different religions with different denominations and sects so, irrespective of our personal views and preferences, we have a sacred and patriotic Divine duty to downplay issues that divide us and focus more on issues that serve our common interests as citizens of Nigeria.
As the Campaign Season kicks-off officially,we implore ALL RELIGIOUS LEADERS to encourage our members and followers to Campaign as Nigerians and not as Christians or Muslims. Let us not Campaign solely for candidates that will favour our religion or ethnic group because from experience such expectations are not realistic. We should note that laying undue emphasis on Religion and Ethnicity in favour of our religion or tribe, is being selfish and will further separate us. By insisting on adherents of our Faith to Campaign and vote for a particular Religious or Tribal Ticket is indirectly pitching them against another religion and tribe and such actions further promote divisions and enmity in our society. Consequently,even when the Campaign and Elections are over,as a Nation we are ALL going to be worse of for it.
As we go about our Campaigns,we encourage all Nigerians to promote ONLY candidates that have good Leadership antecedents, proven capacity, Programs and Policies that will favour all Nigerians because,everyone irrespective of their religion or tribe will be beneficiaries of whichever Government emerges under any of the Parties.
Furthermore,we Nigerians should note that if we desire to have outstanding Leaders,then the false notion that a Political party or Candidate is for or against a particular religion or tribe MUST be discarded. Such views are borne out of political ignorance, misinformation and/or pure mischief and should be discarded from our society.
From historical facts and present day experiences,all Nigerians should know that our present state of underdevelopment was caused by bad leaders from all religions and tribes. Therefore,in recognition of the great influence religious leaders have over their adherents, we should encourage our members to support and Campaign ONLY for competent leaders that have the wealth of knowledge, experience and capacity to provide the visionary and quality leadership that Nigeria desperately needs at this time.
From the understanding we have from Romans 13,let all religious leaders teach and encourage our followers to know that ” there is no power but of God:the powers that be are ordained of God.” Therefore let us encourage our members to go out and freely Campaign for whom they want and let God guide us to choose only the Leaders we need and not the Leaders we want.
As has been observed lately,many Religious Leaders and Associations are beginning to develop and promote a posture of defiance and aggression against constituted authority. In the interest of Peace and National progress,all religious leaders and adherents are therefore admonished to be mindful of the fact that “whosoever therefore resisteth the power,resisteteth the ordinance of God:and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” With this understanding, let ALL religious leaders that teach or encourage rebellion against Divinely Ordained Leaders, exercise caution because when the consequences come,God will require the blood of these saints from our hands.
If we search through the scriptures, we will see that even Rulers who attacked God’s people at some point during their reign were later used by God to fulfil and further God’s cause. A case in point is Nebuchadnezzar who was referred to by God as “My servant” in Jeremiah 27:6.
Esteemed Religious Leader, is it no longer true “That the King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,as the rivers of water:he turneth it whithersoever he will”? If it is true,then whoever emerges as President, Governor , National or State Assembly member in our Nation and across our States can and will still be influenced by God to do His will for the overall interest of ALL THE CITIZENS AND NOT ANY PARTICULAR RELIGION OR TRIBE.
Finally, we want to reiterate the point that in our Campaigns and the coming Elections, whether in real life or on the Social media, RELIGION SHOULD NOT DIVIDE US,RATHER WE SHOULD CAMPAIGN ONLY IN FAVOUR OF THE PROGRESS OF NIGERIA AND NOT OUR RELIGIOUS OR TRIBAL INTEREST.
God bless the Church in Nigeria. God bless the Muslim Ummah. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Reverend ADEBAYO, Emmanuel AYOKUNLE
Chairman, Interfaith Alliance.